Sauerkraut is a delicacy relished by all nationalities. Its use is increasing almost daily and it has become a staple article of diet in numbers of homes where it was practically unknown a few years ago. Sauerkraut has been a popular food in Germany for generations. The wholesomeness of its constituents and the tissue forming nature of its qualities cause it to rank high as a health promoting article of nourishment. In addition, its succulence and the agreeable nature of its taste make it eagerly sought after by many persons as a desirable adjunct to the table. It is probably owing to these qualities that sauerkraut has become almost a universal article of occasional diet.
The best sauerkraut is the homemade kind, for there is nothing added to the cabbage but ordinary salt and its maturity is not hastened by the addition of vinegar or other agent. krautcutter is needed to properly cut the cabbage and one is here illustrated that can be easily made by the bungalow amateur who is at all familiar with the simpler tools.
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